Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Digital Transformations in Management of Cyber †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Digital Transformations in Management of Cyber. Answer: Introduction: The rapid growth of population has resulted in the advent of many new latest and innovative machines, which has revolutionized the business of the companies and organizations. This is in terms of the need for upgrading the standard and quality of the existing business services. However, with the advent of new machines, there hasnt been recruitment and selection of the personnel (Park et al. 2013). Even if the recruitment and selection process has been executed, the hired candidates are not provided with the necessary trainings regarding the efficient and judicious utilizations of the machines. Herein, the profession of system engineering and its diversification is nullified. These aspects have delayed the completion of the important projects, staining the stability in the relationship between the company and their stakeholders and shareholders. This hostile relationship has added vulnerability in the market position of companies and organizations (Haimes 2015). Moreover, this situati on has affected the mindset of the stakeholders and shareholders. As a matter of specification, possession of inadequate skills by the employees has compelled the managers to encounter situations like inability to complete the allocated tasks within the stipulated deadlines, indulging in scandalous situations among others. These situations stain the reputation of the company. Herein, the role of the managers is questioned in terms of regulating the performance of the employees. This interrogative tone contradicts the usual conventions of the managerial roles in terms of understanding the customers and clients prior to the execution of the business activities (Chang 2016). When it comes to the management of the technological usage of the employees, lackadaisical attitude contradicts the designation of the managers. One of the major concerns, due to the possession of inadequate technological skills is the loss of trust, loyalty and dependence over the managers and the senior officers for the employees. This has resulted in the difference of opinions, conflicts, discriminations and harassments. More specifically, lack of adequate technological skills has escalated the cyber crimes, which has compelled the companies and organizations to lose important official data. Along with this, unwanted emails and invitations have aggravated the complexities of the companies in terms of maintaining the privacy, security and safety of the customers profile. These have compelled the company personnel to receive large amount of complaints from the clients (Kerzner 2013). In view of the cyber crimes, the lack of adequate technological skills is very dangerous in terms of the future of the companies and organizations. Theoretical approach to cyber crimes When a problem occurs, it needs to be viewed from different angles for achieving effective solutions. Herein lay the appropriateness of four levels of thinking pyramid. Countering this, thinking is one of the major elements of the behavioral science applied by the individuals. In view of this connotation, there are six levels of thinking- knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation (Buede and Miller 2016). Optimizing the levels, the six levels can be contracted into four levels- events, patterns, system structures and mental models. Thinking the cyber crimes as a problem reflects the consciousness of the personnel towards the safety, security and privacy of the customers. On the contrary, not thinking as a problem aggravates the complexities of the personnel in terms of ensuring the wellbeing of the customers. Both of these aspects thinking and not thinking are behavioral tendencies exposed by the humans towards the issues, which they encounter in their lives (Wasson 2015). Possessing adequate knowledge about the problems of cyber crimes is also an aspect of behavior in case of the company personnel. Lagging behind the others in terms of the harmful effects of cyber crimes attaches negative connotation to the behavior of the personnel. This negativity results in difficulty in terms of gathering effective solutions for the technological issues and challenges. Herein the thought of transformations in business is a mere and distant hope. On the other hand, conducting open forums and discussions assists the personnel to gather many solutions for the encountered problems (Kerzner 2013). In this, lack of adequate knowledge about the problems the clients are facing due to the cyber crimes proves fatal for the maintaining the efficiency within the marketing activities. Collecting various solutions enhances the perspectives of the company personnel, which is assistance in terms of analyzing the exposed performance. Attaching evaluation within this is an extension in the analysis, which brings the major drawbacks to the forefront. Synthesis aligns with the approach of the personnel towards the conclusion regarding mitigating the intensity of the cyber crimes. Delving deep into the aspect, synthesis can be considered as the product of the evaluation and analysis (Chang 2016). Viewing it from other perspective, evaluation and analysis of the issues, which the contemporary brands are encountering enriches the preconceived knowledge of the personnel towards cyber crimes. Herein lay the appropriateness of market research and survey, which makes the company aware of the steps necessary for solving the problem. Maintaining consistency in the execution of market survey and research would enable the company personnel to comprehend solutions to the clients in terms of mitigating the intensity of the harmful effects, which have resulted due to the cyber crimes (Morse, Babcock and Murthy 2014). Emerging successful in this task upgrades the personality of the personnel, especially the managers in terms of regulating the performance of the employees. Pondering upon the contracted levels, the first level is the events. Here, adequate knowledge, skills and expertise is needed to identify the potential issues, which has stalled the productivity of the companies and organizations. This identification makes the solution process easier; saving a lot of time, which if devoted to the execution of the other tasks would systematize the business activities. The second level is the patters. This can be related with the stage of application, where the personnel need to enhance their clarity in terms of the most appropriate solution towards the problem of cyber crime (Bahr 2014). This application would make the personnel aware of the pattern of solutions, which possess flexibility towards solving the problem of cyber crimes in an efficient and effective manner. Application of the gathered solutions makes the personnel aware of the systems, which are needed for safeguarding the clients from the dangers of cyber crimes. Creating concrete structures for overcoming the challenges of cyber crime supports the personnel as to whether they are progressing on the right track. Planning in this direction is of utmost importance in terms of assessing the proposed activities in comparison to the identified and the specified requirements. Clarity in these aspects leads the personnel towards the selection of the models, which would alter the predicament of the companies and organizations from the crisis phase (Peppard and Ward 2016). There are various models, which possess the flexibility to uplift the standards of the companies and organizations from the crisis of cyber crimes. Typical example in this direction is the Application Threat Modelling. Here, one of the major components is the study of the cyber crime attack surface. The model is viewed as a circular issue, where there are different phases of mitigating the intensity of the cyber crimes. The first phase is to analysis the attacks inflicted upon the company. This is done through the means of identifying the sources of attacks and their intensity. The second phase is the consideration of the use and misuse cases registered. This enhances the clarity of the personnel towards the intensity of the hazards, which the clients had to encounter. The third phase of this model is to analyze the type of the attack (Haimes 2015). Here ratings are used, which helps in determining the type of solution needed for the restoration of the lost justice and respect of the clients. The next phase initiates the security analysis. Architectural plans or DFDs are constructed by the personnel prior to the initiation of the business activities. The draft of these plans is sent to the higher authorities for their approval in terms of the undertaken steps till this phase. The written approval is preserved by the personnel in order to avert the indulgence into illegal activities (Park et al. 2013). As a sequential stage, the solution selected is designed for the understanding of the personnel and the clients. After gaining the approval of the stakeholders and shareholders, the personnel move on to the application of risk mitigation strategies. Here templates and checklists are used for solving the issues in an efficient and effective manner. The next stage is to indulge in partnerships with the government officials in terms of gaining awareness of the legislative standards. Violation or gaps in this direction attaches negativity in the business operations. After receiving the standards, the source of these standards are codified and sent to the managers and the directors so that no third party gets to know the secret code (Galliers and Leidner 2014). The transmission is thoroughly monitored by the officials until it reaches to the receiver. Herein lay the appropriateness of penetration testing, which helps the personnel to assess the avenues, which are opened before them in ter ms of ensuring the safety and security of the clients. After all these, cyber crime intelligence phase comes, where the personnel think of producing artificial intelligence tools, which would scan the presence of malfunctions, virus and hacker intervention. Recommendations to mitigate the problem of cyber crime The proposed business model possesses enough flexibility to mitigate the crisis of cyber crime. However, certain recommendations would alter the plight of the companies and organizations from the crisis phase. One of the most important recommendations is the adoption of efficient security software (Buede and Miller 2016). Typical example in this direction is Quick Heal. For this, market research would be an efficient option. Search engine optimization within this would take the personnel directly to the needed information. Along with this, provision of training to the employees regarding the efficient and judicious use of latest technological machines would enhance their preconceived skills, expertise and knowledge. Including the various dynamics of the different machines would enhance the clarity of the employees regarding their operations. Increasing the frequency of these training sessions would help the employees to have an easy grasp over the digital issues and their impact on the business services. Hiring IT experts would bring to the forefront the presence of malfunctions, virus attacks and the hacker interventions. Within this, frequency is of utmost importance in terms of averting the risks of possessing defective machines, which stall the productivity and efficiency of the business activities at the time of emergencies (Galliers and Leidner 2014). Frequent evaluation of the revenue generated and their sources would make the personnel aware of the major drawbacks. Spontaneity in modification of these drawbacks would upgrade the standard and quality of the business, especially the ones carried out online. This spontaneity would pave the way of foreign market penetration for the companies and organizations. This penetration, in turn, would result in the advent of technological advancement in the workplace (Wasson 2015). This can be achieved only the companies and organizations abide by the IT legislations such as Computer Misuse Act and Data Protection Act (1998) among others. References Bahr, N.J., 2014.System safety engineering and risk assessment: a practical approach. CRC Press. Buede, D.M. and Miller, W.D., 2016.The engineering design of systems: models and methods. John Wiley Sons. Chang, J.F., 2016.Business process management systems: strategy and implementation. CRC Press. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Haimes, Y.Y., 2015.Risk modeling, assessment, and management. John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Morse, L.C., Babcock, D.L. and Murthy, M., 2014.Managing engineering and technology. Pearson. Park, J., Seager, T.P., Rao, P.S.C., Convertino, M. and Linkov, I., 2013. Integrating risk and resilience approaches to catastrophe management in engineering systems.Risk Analysis,33(3), pp.356-367. Peppard, J. and Ward, J., 2016.The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley Sons. Wasson, C.S., 2015.System engineering analysis, design, and development: Concepts, principles, and practices. John Wiley Sons.

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